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Top 5 Must-See Castles in South Germany

Top 5 Must-See Castles in South Germany

Step up your Insta game with these epic castle vibes!

Neuschwanstein Castle

Step into a Fairy Tale: The Castle That Inspired Disney

Neuschwanstein Castle

Neuschwanstein Castle is straight out of your favorite fairy tale or, like, a Disney movie. Perched high up in the Bavarian Alps, it’s the ultimate fantasy castle that inspired the actual Disney logo. Wander through its magical halls decked out with legendary murals depicting epic tales of German heroes, making it a major bucket list material for any castle lover.

Not just visually stunning from a distance, Neuschwanstein also offers a rich historical tapestry once you step inside. King Ludwig II's vision for a castle where he could escape the public eye materializes in every ornate room and every strategic viewpoint over the picturesque landscape below.

Hohenzollern Castle

A Royal Legacy Perched on a Mountaintop

Hohenzollern Castle

Hohenzollern Castle slays with its majestic vibes, sitting on a mountaintop like it owns the place (because it kinda does). It’s a deep dive into Prussia’s royal past with rooms full of ancient bling and royal treasures. Live your best royal life, even if it’s just for the 'gram.

The ancestral seat of the Hohenzollern family, this castle not only offers breathtaking views but also houses a private collection of artifacts from the Prussian royal family, including the crown of Wilhelm II and a uniform of Frederick the Great. The blend of medieval architecture and 19th-century Romanticism is an Instagrammer’s dream.

Lichtenstein Castle

The Underrated Gem of the Swabian Alps

Lichtenstein Castle

Lichtenstein Castle is the low-key, underrated star of the Swabian Alps. This ‘Fairy Tale Castle of Württemberg’ is all about dramatic Gothic Revival looks with a touch of medieval flair. Cross its old-school drawbridge and step into a scene that feels like it’s straight out of a fantasy epic.

Originally built in the 19th century as a tribute to the medieval knights' castles, Lichtenstein offers not just a picturesque façade but also an arsenal collection that would make any history buff’s heart skip a beat. It's a real-life embodiment of the chivalric romance novels that inspired its construction.

Heidelberg Castle

The Quintessential Romantic Ruin

Heidelberg Castle

Heidelberg Castle is your go-to for that perfect ruin aesthetic. Perched over the Neckar River, this spot offers the ultimate romantic ruinscape with lush green backdrops—ideal for those moody, broody pics. Explore its history of heartbreak and restoration, and get lost in its enchanting gardens.

With its mix of Gothic and Renaissance elements, Heidelberg Castle is a palimpsest of history and beauty. It has inspired poets and artists for centuries, and as you wander through its vast courtyards and grand halls, you'll feel the echo of stories from a time when it was the center of Palatine power.

Marienberg Fortress

A Majestic Guardian Over Würzburg

Marienberg Fortress

Marienberg Fortress, standing boldly atop a hill overlooking Würzburg, combines historical depth with architectural grandeur. Originally a medieval fortress, it has been expanded over the centuries to become a symbol of the region's military and cultural history.

Visitors can explore the fortress to discover its numerous renovations and additions, each layer telling a story of resilience and adaptation. The fortress also offers stunning views of Würzburg and the Main River, making it a perfect spot for history buffs and photography enthusiasts alike.